Sunrise Club Condo is located in the Village of Key Biscayne, Florida. Rooftop terrace for suntanning and entertaining. Small boutique biulding with pool and BBQ area. Walking distance to the beach, this area is very unique and is highly sought-after by buyers and investors looking to buy, rent and live in an exclusive family oriented town. The market features single family homes, and luxury waterfront condo buildings with spectacular beaches and direct ocean views in most of them. This property is minutes away from the Brickell area, Downtown Miami, Coral Gables and Coconut Grove.
County: Miami-Dade
Property views: City and bay
Residence unit Floor plans average size: 410 to 640 sq. ft.
Security: Yes
Parking availability: Yes
Rental: Yes. Call for rental restrictions, if any.
Make your way to our active inventory listing below of Sunrise Club Condo Key Biscayne units available for sale and rent. The navigation bar to the left also displays links to additional information such as: previously sold and rented in the past three years, currently pending sales and rentals with real estate transaction and more. Please contact our real estate office today. Let us assist you in finding a unit in this building, or any other similar property.